Biggie said it best.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Wonder Bread
Posner's blowing up, no question. I was first introduced back in July of '09, while en route to Venice Beach for (what I thought to be) a leisurely day of surf & turf with Scotland Banks and Corey "I just became a fucking agent at Paradigm" Walker. At the moment though, my attention had gone astray; devoted instead to participating in a silent -- though very much dramatic -- long distance arguement (lame), via text messege (lamer), with a girl... *sigh* I wasn't even dating (God damn it Charlie!).
Where were you when I was...?
1) Young
2) Dumb
3) Looking in the mirror, tryin' figure out who I'm gonna be this year
Friday, July 16, 2010
The Happenings
So far this Summer (Oh 10):
One of my close buddies, ala the 'Worm' to my 'Mike McD', places 707th in the Main Event @ The Rio and walks away with $19,263. Not too bad for his $1 drunken entry fee.
My roommate, a rather large though hardly imposing Turkish man, invents the 'Self-Rolling Sleeping Bag'. Ludicrous? Hardly. North Faces $98,000 per year for the next 10 years, plus residuals. Bitch.
My little brother from college, on $200 cash + Ramen, finds a 30k per year occupation w/ benefits, within 1 month of moving to New Jack City. His babyface 22-year old ass now lives HERE. Imagine that.
MY INSPIRATION, comes with a little help from my friends.