Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Ground Blog Day

This morning I awoke to the sound of Greatness.

Violins bursting with flavorful rhythems, quadruple catruple quatrople harmonies cascading down a corridor of criss-crossed crescendos. A blissful reminder that the Summer after graduating from college was coming to an end, and I—the graduate—was, in the present, reclining in tropical paradise. Very posh. (FYI: I HATE it when people use that word. Very.)


~Thanks Verve~


ME 2 ME: ¡No one else lives here!



“Black ‘Once you go black you never go back’ Berry?”


“Caramel Macchiato?”

Please, I’m on that son.

“But B, what about…”

Panoramic views of the Blue Lagoon backyard from a cabana w/ cover? Without question (EP).


These are the last days of my Summer. Jesus, who are we the rest of the year? I keep getting emails about great internships for the Fall. Great! You have to be a student to do most of these same internships. Great.

(I’m not)

So instead I take a fall in Fall. Take a hit. Champ, suck it up. Go back home with little money, and even worse, substantially less freedom.

“What did I purchase last with my little money?”

Meatball subs. Bout 4 of them. 16 bucks or so..SO WHAT?!

I like them a lot.

So what to do, what to do? Well…I’m not sure if it was when I sat comfortably at a candlelit table inside the ‘Top of the World’ restaurant, atop The Stratosphere in Vegas. Really high on it all. Having a complete stranger tell me never to work a day job that makes me unhappy. To follow my heart’s desire.

“Go live in Spain!” she said without hesitation. A mother, of a girl allegedly my age, saying that, without hesitation?

Purely magical.

“Find your family’s long lost treasure!” she encouraged, even more enthusiastically. (Note to reader: We, as in my family and I, are actually supposed to have one. But the less details you know the better. Probably. I’d just like to discover it first.)

Or perhaps when the elder woman with heavy faith from Colombia, seated beside me on my flight home from Burbank to Dallas (wow, just called that ‘home’), when she made the Sign of the Cross, not in fear but of visible praise, just before we lifted off the runway—that got me thinking…

So, I’m thinking. Like pulling the covers back over your eyes so the light doesn’t yet reach on those early Wednesday mornings, I want to hide in this moment forever.

See you when reality bites.

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